All the experience we have in creating a sustainable, low-impact festival, collated into one place for you to explore.

From the early Green Gatherings in the distant 1980's to the Big Green Gathering of the 90's and the recent years we've spent building a pioneering, award-winning event since moving to the Welsh borders in 2011... we've gained a gritty hands-on understanding of how to embed green principles and practices at the very core of our festival.

Now we want to share that experience, along with insights from the brilliant hive-mind of Green Gathering imagineers, in order to help others lessen the impact of their events too. Take a look below to find out more.

Our How Green page is packed with detail too.



You can't power a festival with solar-energy in the UK, can you?

Yes, you really can. Here we want to offer some practical, technical insight and demystify the process of providing off-grid power, showing you what renewables are truly capable of.

Energy Audit 2023

Sustainable Power: Dream or Reality?

An Intro to Off-Grid Electrics

Power Providers List

Energy Audit 2022


Travel remains one of the biggest challenges for event sustainability.

Travel accounts for over 90% of our festival’s carbon emissions. This breaks down how both organisers and festival goers can help - the key to tackling this really lies in everyone getting involved.

The Green Traveller Guide

The Joys of Packing Less

Kit Lists


Not just business as usual.

Our trading standards are incredibly high - but traders still love coming to our festival, and take our practices onwards in their festival season too. This creates real world change.

How we work with traders

Terms & Conditions: food traders

Terms & Conditions: non-food traders


Sustainability applies to more than the environment, it requires inclusion and equity.

From offering assisted access to focusing on diversity on stage, these are the steps we take to make our festival accessible to all.

Extending diversity with the Keychange Pledge

Our Assisted Access area

Gender representation in our line up

Going beyond

How we aim to be 'sustainable' in all we do...

These links highlight our beliefs and ethos, and
how we embed a culture of planet before profit.

Themes: Reconnect, Rise, Release, Recuperate

Not Just Net Zero

'Gather' - a spoken word piece about us and about hope

How Green was Green Gathering 2022?

Making Green Gathering - why we do what we do every year


Between ethos and our campaigns


Applications will reopen for 2023 soon.


If you’re super keen to be involved but aren’t sure what to apply for, email getinvolved@
with the following:
• Name
• Age
• Preferred role(s), if any
• Experience & skills
• References, if available
• Dates of availability
• Any other relevant info