

November 30, 2022

To gather is in our very name. An act through which so much can be achieved.

This year at The Green Gathering, we decided we wanted to make a short video to showcase the incredible spoken word we hear every year at our festival. We asked Rosie Swayne of Fossilheads, a long time Green Gathering artist, to write a poem which would encapsulate the gathering – and she delivered spectacularly.

This poem, ‘Gather’, is a tiny demonstration of the many voices we see and hear when we come together – and a reminder that our festival lights a fire every year, offering a space where we can mourn injustice and plan for a better future together. Activism, rebellion and radical energy exist at our core, and we hope this poem goes some way to showcase that.

We want this poem to be a reminder you’re not alone in experiencing climate grief, climate anxiety and mind-boggling political frustration, and that you’re not alone if you want to do something about it too.

Have a listen, and if you’re feeling inspired – come gather with us again next year.

Here’s a transcript, for those that prefer to read.

‘Gather’ by Rosie Swayne

I gather from Twitter that this heatwave is a fix
Cos though 5 degrees less scorching it was hotter in ’76
I gather, from Facebook, refugees aren’t fleeing missiles
But are in fact fakes and schemers desperate to live in drizzle.

I gather from the government
raw sewage is ok
Dumped in rivers since it happens just
1000 times a day

I gather from the papers
The economy is strong
Meaning all in spiral poverty
Are simply shopping wrong

I gather, and gather, and gather
all the spin, the chat, the yap
And then I gather from reality
How much of it is … crap?

So gather the people
Gather community
The activism hub

Gather your truth
Gather your strength
Gather the music
Gather the love

Gather the blue: those with sorrow for the loss already come
To dance, to laugh, to sing, and know that sadness can belong

Gather the red: those with the fire, to learn and teach, burn bright
Who know that change is possible
But not without a fight

Gather the yellow. Scaredies like me! Want connection but have fear
For those that know what’s needed but not where to start? start here.

Gather the dancers
Gather the joy
Gather weird vegan shapes you don’t know you’ll adore
Gather the activists, artists and more
Gather with raucousness
Gather serene
Gather the hope
Gather the Green.

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